You can enjoy your time outdoors by going packraft fishing. With a fishing packraft, you just need to find a beautiful location, hike or bike to your destination, and get out on the water with your fishing pole. Before you go on your adventure, you should check out what you need to know when packraft fishing.

Inspect Your Gear Before You Go

The first tip you need to know when packraft fishing is to inspect your gear. Before you go on your packrafting expedition, look over your supplies and equipment. Inspect your packraft, backpack, fishing pole, fishing line, and everything else that you’ll bring on your trip. Even though you’ll probably fish in a pool or an area with mild rapids, you should inspect your gear before you go to ensure that you have a smooth and fun packraft fishing adventure.

Remember To Secure Your Fishing Rod

Even though you probably won’t tackle whitewater rapids on your fishing trip, you never know when you’ll run into river bars or mild rapids during your expedition. This is why it’s important to secure your fishing rod to your packraft. The last thing you want is to lose your fishing pole during your trip.

Take a Friend or Companion

While it’s pleasant to go packrafting alone, it’s not the safest option, especially if you plan to tackle a river with some rapids. Bring a friend, family member, partner, or companion along for the journey. They’ll help you stay safe on the water and can make your outdoor adventure even more fun.

Hike or Bike to Your Destination

Sometimes, the best fishing spots are only accessible by biking or hiking on foot. The best part about a packraft is that you can place it in your backpack along with the rest of your gear. It’s also lightweight, so it’s easy to transport to your destination. You can bring your packraft and hike or bike to your destination to access remote and beautiful fishing spots.

September 23, 2022 — Adrian Veliz-Smith